Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Something to celebrate...

There is something to celebrate everyday...it could be as simple as celebrating putting both feet on the floor in the morning or having a job to go to or the fact that your team won a championship.  Or there could be something very specific to celebrate.  Today is that kind of day.

Today we give thanks and celebrate someone who always gets frequently criticized and rarely thanked.  Someone who is always working when the weather is bad, roads impassable, hurricanes blowing, beaches washing away...

Today we say "Thank you" to the Weatherman, or Weatherwoman, or Weatherperson, or whatever name you want to give that person who tries to guess what the weather is on a daily basis.  It is truly a thankless job in which most of the time, at least in Hampton Roads, they are correct.

For some, the other reason to celebrate today may have a bigger bang behind it...today is World Nutella Day.  A whole day to celebrate that creamy chocolate/hazelnut spread that makes any food that much better.  Seriously, you could put it on almost anything and it would make it better.  How can that not be a good thing?

So today I ask that you take a moment to say a silent "Thank you" to your favorite Weatherperson, or post it on their FB page or send a Tweet or if you want to, shout it at the top of your lungs from your roof.  After you've thanked them in your own special way, reward yourself with anything covered in Nutella.

My weather guys from Fox43...Don Slater and Jeremy Wheeler.  THANK YOU!!! 
I appreciate all that you do!!

Don Slater
Jeremy Wheeler


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