Wednesday, May 24, 2017

"Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones....

But words will never hurt me."  This was something I heard all the time growing up.  Not so much today. 

Today we have people that declare a need for "safe spaces" because they may be triggered by something they hear, words. 

Words have tremendous power, no doubt about it.  In politics, religion, in arguments, in debates, in everything we do.

A police officer's words can escalate or deescalate a situation.  A politician's words can get them elected or derail a career.  A spouse's words can save or end a marriage.  A friend's words can strengthen or end a 20 year friendship.  A teacher's word can inspire students or bring them down.  A coach's words can motivate a team to victory or ensure defeat.

Words really only have the power that we as individuals give them.  If someone verbally insults me it may bother me for a minute...literally for only a minute.  I am not going to allow them to rent space in my head.

It is nice to hear good things about ourselves from other people.  It will bring a smile to anyone's face or make their day. 

It sucks to hear negative things, for sure.  I don't know one person who likes to hear bad things said about them.

But it is up to us to give those words, negative or positive, power over us.

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