Monday, October 6, 2014

It's been awhile....'s been quite a while since I've posted anything...well over a year actually.  My original intention was to use this as a forum to help build my real estate business.  Unfortunately real life, in the form of the Navy, got in the way.  I have been mobilized to active duty for about 18 months and loving every minute of it.

I figured that since I have this blog I might as well use it.  There is no plan or idea of what exactly is going to be posted.  It will be on things that interest me or tick me off or make me happy.  It may or not be political in nature.  It may offend someone or more than one person or even a whole group of people.

The grammar may not be correct and spelling errors might be present.  I am in no way perfect when it comes to writing and I may not even be good at it but I don't really care.  It's my blog and I'll write how I want about what I want.  Feedback is always welcome and long as it is constructive and not denigrating.

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